Our Story

Almost a decade ago, a family member was diagnosed with cancer. We were lucky that they were able to make a full recovery, but not without significant struggles. One of these struggles was the impact of the chemotherapy. They were experiencing severe persistent headaches due to a reaction to the chemotherapy. Their doctors responded to this by increasing their prescribed dosage of opioids and antidepressants, all of which had horrible side-effects and did not provide any respite from the pain.

Thankfully, a colleague of theirs then sent down some of the good oil from Darwin and with 2x drops of an evening, the pain would disappear. They were able to gain some much needed rest whilst also stopping their consumption of opioids and anti-depressants.

Here we were, surrounded by medical experts, none of whom were even about to consider a natural plant medicine to support this patient. My family. And this is no fault of the doctors. The system is flawed. The industry is stuck.

This was the start of a long journey to where I am today. Through attending international plant medicine conferences, I extended my knowledge and my network. All the while digging deeper into the barriers to accessing plant medicines. Many doctors are not even aware that they are permitted to prescribe to patients.

So, Friendly Lane (previously Friendly CßD Guy) was born. A way for every-day Australian's to support their physical and mental health with autonomy and control. Empowered to cultivate their own wellness and resilience.